Sep 16Liked by Sergej Klementinovski

Hey…saw you request for feedback on your writing. Is there anything specific, or specific pieces you want feedback on?

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Sep 16Liked by Sergej Klementinovski

It is good for you to know. I am not a big reader of Sci-fi.

I just read a few of your writings, the thing that I noticed is you will move back and forth from vivid descriptions to less vivid. Sometimes you even throw in words like “generally” or “more or less”. I like vivid.

I think especially in short format you don’t have time to be moderate.

I also wonder if it would help to try to do less with your pieces. If you want to do a vivid beautiful description of the environment, maybe limit action and transition.

When I think of how I experience things in real life if I am moving through an environment I notice less details. When I come across an amazing vista I will just stop and absorb it.

Anyway. FWIW hopefully that is helpful to you.

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Thank you very much for your valuable feedback! I would try to be more careful to keep the balance in my descriptions and be less wordy.

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Sep 16Liked by Sergej Klementinovski

Also know you can go either direction. If a narrative is really humming for you, don’t be afraid to go longer.

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Sometimes it's difficult to get the length right, you either get lost in the detail or rush through it too quickly. I will pay more attention to this and try to keep the balance even. I think I'm neglecting the editing of the texts too much.

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Sep 16Liked by Sergej Klementinovski

This is one of the biggest challenges. For me, I have to really listen to my gut if something needs more or if I should keep it short. My writing is non-fiction, so I never have to develop characters etc. I don’t think I could do that.

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Hi! This is very generous of you, thank you so much! In the request I’ve spoke in more general way, so any feedback to my writing, bad or good is really appreciated.

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Sep 16Liked by Sergej Klementinovski

Got it. Give me some time to poke around.

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

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